FizzBuzz - how does TDD affect your design?

You can write a FizzBuzz implementation in a handful of lines of code. At the other end of the scale I was fascinated to see this repo “FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition”, which is genuis. It’s biting satire and of course you would never write anything as bad as that. Of course not!

In this learning hour we’ll use FizzBuzz to have a discussion about how TDD affects your design. Hopefully they will realize TDD helps you to get a testable design, and avoid overdesign.

It’s probably a good thing if the participants have done FizzBuzz before. It’s good if they know TDD well enough to finish an implementation in the allotted time.

Session Outline


Find a pair to work with today. Discuss whether the code you usually work with suffers from overdesign or if it could benefit from more structure and abstractions.


Print out and pin up the code samples from “FizzbuzzKata-Samples” around the walls of the room, in order. Only include the implementations, not the tests. Have people walk around in their pairs and study the code together. Ask them to consider the following questions:

When the time is up, ask them to stand next to the code sample they would answer for the first question. Note if there are any clusters. Then ask them to move and stand next to the code sample they would answer for the second question. Note if there are new clusters. Pick a couple of pairs at random, some people who moved between questions and people who stayed still. Ask them to explain their reasoning.


Have the group work in pairs to implement FizzBuzz using TDD.
